Lydia IUD (Intrauterine Device) is a tiny Copper device that is placed in the womb by a healthcare professional to prevent pregnancy for as long as 10 years. It works by preventing fertilization i.e. preventing the sperm from meeting the woman’s egg. It does not contain any hormones and this makes it very suitable for women who should not use hormones; such as women with obesity, severe hypertension or diabetes.

Lydia IUDs can also be used as emergency contraceptive, if inserted within 5 days of unprotected sex and World Health Organisation (W.H.O) states that this is the most effective emergency contraception method.

Lydia Copper T

Lydia Copper T can prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years and has high efficacy of more than 99%. This method starts working the same day it is inserted but it can be removed by the healthcare provider whenever the woman chooses and there’s quick return to fertility once removed.

Lydia Safe Load

Lydia Safe Load is an improved version of Copper T with high efficacy of more than 99%. It can also prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years, but comes with a special loader that makes the procedure at the clinic faster and easier (Loading process is done accurately and in 30 seconds or less). Lydia Safe Load also ensures that the provider will not touch the IUD (aseptic technique) throughout and this is important for infection prevention.

Lydia Sleek

Lydia Sleek prevents pregnancy for up to 5 years. It is a small IUD suitable for women with smaller uterus length such as young women and women who have not had any children. Its small geometric design makes it more comfortable for such women and less likely to be expelled after insertion. Lydia Sleek is ready to insert, and this makes the procedure faster and also ensures that the provider will not touch the IUD (aseptic technique) which is important for infection prevention.

Lydia Copper Y

Lydia Copper Y prevents pregnancy for up to 5 years. Unlike the Copper T, the special Y-shape makes it gentle during insertion and removal and it can be placed perfectly in the womb. This IUD is ideal for less-experienced health providers. For women, the unique shape makes the insertion process less painful. Lydia Copper Y also ensures that the provider will not touch the IUD (aseptic technique). This IUD is comfortable for many women including young women.